Our Founding Story
Dive into the story of how Chesterton Academy - Queen of Martyrs was founded…
The three of us (Rachel, Kristin and Anica) formed a sense of camaraderie in 2021 while celebrating liturgical feast days as a joyful way to ignite our children with a love for their faith. What started out small, grew into something larger when we formed a co-op the following year as an outlet for Catholic moms and their kids to come together. From those simple moments of talking and dreaming about what we envisioned for the future of our young kids, grew an idea for something we couldn’t have imagined ourselves venturing into just one year prior.
The summer of 2022, we discussed the need for a Catholic, classical educational option in our community. We felt the Holy Spirit prompting us with a silent nudge to do something more—to share this opportunity with others. With the support of Saint Albert the Great Church, we came together once again as we dove into endless possibilities.
In this initial discovery phase, we were undoubtedly being guided by our faith. Through the many setbacks and the unknowns, we continued to move forward together and simply listened to Him—following the steps that would lead us on the path to starting a Catholic high school.
During our time of discernment, we had reached out to a couple of schools, including the Chesterton Schools Network. By this point we had a very clear vision of what we wanted on paper, and a Chesterton school seemed like the best way to accomplish our goals in a way that was attainable. It was a tried-and-true option with an exceptional curriculum, and it had a toolbox of information available to us. After meeting with the headmaster at Chesterton Academy of Milwaukee, walking through the school, and seeing the students immersed in a joyful and faith-filled environment, a smile came over us. We looked at one another and said, “Wow, this is what we want for our children. We need this in our community!”
The drive home was a turning point for us, and we grew in confidence that the Holy Spirit was unquestionably guiding us. We each felt a strong conviction to open a Chesterton Academy. However, it did not take long before the doubt set in. Why us? We questioned whether we were prepared enough or skilled enough to do this. As full-time moms, business owners and homeschoolers, we were already filled to the brim with responsibilities. But, we had to make a choice. Were we still in this together? Should we press forward? More importantly, could we put our own needs and desires aside and trust God completely? We spent a lot of time in prayer and conversation in those two hours headed home. We concluded that we needed to bring the culture of this school to our community, and we prayed that God would show us the way to do it. We knew this was a worthy cause, and we hoped it would bear great fruit for generations to come. Even if we did not feel equipped, we knew that God doesn’t call those who are equipped, he equips those he calls (Ephesians 4:11-12).
Since making that decision in October 2022 and officially signing a contract with the Chesterton Schools Network in February 2023, we have seen God’s handiwork throughout the process (Ephesians 2:10). Every time a door closes, He opens a new one. Every time we encounter doubt, or start to really struggle with taking on a project of this magnitude, God shows us a sign.
This amazing story has just begun, and we encourage you to join us on this journey! One of the many reasons we picked Chesterton Academy is because it understands that parents are the primary educators of their children. Our school will be built by families who are invested in their children’s education, who have a desire to share their talents with the school, and who will work to create a strong, Catholic community together.
We invite you to prayerfully consider if you are being called to become a part of the story.
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs, pray for us!