2023 CSN Summit & School Leadership Program

It’s a Wrap!

The Chesterton Schools Network (CSN) Summit features inspiring plenary talks, breakout sessions, teaching demonstrations and more to help Chesterton Academy schools flourish as the academies work together as a growing, global community to raise up the next generation of leaders and saints!

Our co-founder Kristin Dvorsky attended this year’s summit. Next year, our hired headmaster/headmistresses and teachers will be attending to undergo training by the Chesterton Schools Network for our inaugural year.

More About the Program—

The summit is a must-attend event for network schools and offers specialized training for board members, new headmasters and faculty who are a part of the Chesterton Schools Network. Attendees gain valuable training on all the necessities of running a network school including: hiring, managing a classroom, leading a Socratic seminar, lesson planning, pacing, and enriching your school culture through the network’s pedagogy inspired by St. John Bosco.

These types of dedicated trainings are exactly what make a Chesterton school successful in creating an excellent and fulfilling learning opportunity for their students to thrive!

Check out what kind of sessions and discussions our co-founder Kristin participated in:

  • Christ, Our Sure Foundation

  • Chesterton Schools Network Accreditation Program

  • Best Practices of High Performing Boards

  • The Soul of the Apostolate

  • Forming Joyful Disciples

  • Restoring Catholic Education in Our Time

  • The ABC's & 123's of Fundraising, Falling in Love with Development

  • Recruiting Best Practices

  • Gala Best Practices

  • Workshops on Curriculum: Art, Drama, Choir, Math, History, Latin, Theology, Philosophy, Science and Literature

  • Catholic Education—Fulfilling our Vocation While Avoiding Burnout

  • The Chesterton Cadence: Tools and Best Practices

  • Socratic Seminar Practicum


Spreading Christ’s Love Through Beauty Fundraiser


School Information Session