Spreading Christ’s Love Through Beauty Fundraiser

FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY during the month of August, Chesterton Academy - Queen of Martyrs is offering a printed piece of the artwork with your donation!

We’re spreading Christ’s love through beauty!

Chesterton Academy - Queen of Martyrs sponsored a flower for the Community Art Making Project - Sun Prairie is Blooming. The flower was revealed at the artist reception and community event, July 27, downtown Sun Prairie. Fr. Michael Johnson was on site to bless the religious artwork as those present gathered to witness a beautiful outward sign of faith. Now until August 21, you can visit Cannery Square and check out the artwork. Thank you for everyone who came down to support us!

FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY >>> During the month of August we will be offering a printed piece of art with your donation as a special fundraiser for Chesterton Academy - Queen of Martyrs. Click the button to donate today!

Showcasing the Immaculate Heart of Mary right in the middle of downtown is a wonderful way to spread our mission. By virtue of baptism, all Christians are called to evangelize and to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. As a community of faith, we want to welcome others to become alive in the Good News of Jesus, to make their lives more fully a part of the ongoing story of salvation and to let Christ touch, heal, and reconcile them through the Holy Spirit.

“The task of evangelizing all people constitutes the essential mission of the Church. It is a task and mission which the vast and profound changes of present-day society make all the more urgent. Evangelizing is in fact the grace and vocation proper to the Church, her deepest identity.” Pope Paul VI, Evangelii Nuntiandi

One of Chesterton Academy - Queen of Martyrs’ co-founders, who is also an artist, sponsored the cost and painted the flower that is currently on display. Click below to discover the inspiration and symbolism behind the design!


Artist and Co-Founder, Rachel Stephenson with her painting of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

  • The inspiration for the artwork is timely as the creative process occurred during two holy months - May and June. For centuries, the Church has set aside the entire month of May for Mary. May is the month in which winter springs into bloom, fitting for the art project theme “Sun Prairie is Blooming”. It is a time for new beginnings and a chance to begin with gratitude and devotion. The month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in veneration and in gratitude for His merciful heart and His redeeming love for mankind.

    So it only seemed fitting that the artwork would depict the Immaculate Heart of Mary as a symbol of her compassion and love for Jesus and all her children. It would perfectly compliment Chesterton Academy - Queen of Martyrs, a high school named after the blessed Virgin Mary.

  • The traditional symbols of Mary can be seen throughout the piece. The Immaculate Heart's fire signifies the burning love Mary has for God the Father and for her Son. Mary's heart is pierced with a sword to remind us of the sorrows she endured silently in her lifetime as Jesus's mother. Simeon told the Blessed Mother, “a sword will pierce through your own soul” (Luke 2:35). At the tip of the sword, you can see the tears of Mary and the blood of Christ.

    A garland of roses surround the heart. Roses have been associated with Mary from early times. The Blessed Virgin Mary is often referred to as the “rose without thorns.” Just as the gentle rose is placed among thorns, so this gentle Virgin was surrounded by sorrow. Mary has also been given the title of “Mystical Rose” as a symbol of the union between Christ and Mary. Through Mary's Immaculate Conception, God set her apart for Himself, as one would cherish the prettiest flower in the garden. Throughout her spiritual suffering, Our Lady remained committed to the humility, obedience, and purity for which we revere her.

    Above the roses to the right of the heart is an abstract symbol of a dove to represent peace, purity, hope, and the Holy Spirit. We can be reminded of the fact that the Holy Spirit was the one who placed Jesus in Mary's womb.

    Lastly the crown placed upon the heart represents Mary’s queenship as the Queen of Heaven. The crown is highlighted with white, to represent her purity and holiness while the yellow is added for the symbol of light as the sources of goodness and grace. Throughout the piece you’ll see multiples of three for the trinity and multiples of seven for the seven sorrows of Mary.

    A purposeful restraint is used in the simplicity of the bold shapes and bright colors reminiscent of the colorful and vibrant Pop Art genre with the use of hard edges and distinct forms, while the design is inspired by Mexican folk art, Milagros.

  • As a co-founder of Chesterton Academy - Queen of Martyrs, my goal in sponsoring this project is to show support for the community while raising awareness for the school and spreading Christ’s love through beauty. Evangelization is an essential mission of how we can lead others to Christ’s love. My prayer is that the Holy Spirit fills the hearts of those who see this bright and spiritual piece nestled among buildings and busy streets in the town square.


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