Our Inaugural Year Kicks Off

Today marked the first day of school for our inaugural class—the brave students paving the way for future generations.

It was an exciting day for the students and staff as they embarked on the start of the 2024-25 academic year. It was also a day for the history books as it marked the very first day of the existence for Chesterton Academy - Queen of Martyrs. Students began the day with a visit and blessing from Fr. Michael Johnson. They proceeded to go through their schedule of courses throughout the day including history, literature, philosophy, Latin, astronomy, math, and music. At noon they attended Mass, followed by a Lyceum period for lunch, building the foundation of living in true communion with others.

“This was just the first day of many where students will spend their time studying the True, the Good, and the Beautiful through the great books of the western tradition. Their time at Chesterton Academy will not only sharpen their academic skills, but will also develop habits for virtue formation, and inspire them towards a noble life of service to others. Students and staff have big goals for the upcoming year!” - Ms. Pankow, Head of School


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Gratitude, Celebration & Blessings